Kerala Ayurveda Pain Treatments Ltd was established in the year 2017. This company under this trade name has been practicing Alternate Treatments based purely on Kerala Ayurveda Herbal and Panchakarma (Detoxification) Treatments. For the last five years the company served very successfully thousands of clients with different kinds of ailments. We have an array of qualified and experienced staff. All the members of our team are from Kerala – [Home of Ayurveda], India where Ayurvedic and Herbal Treatments are traditionally and professionally practiced very successfully. We have well qualified and experienced Ayurveda Doctor and Ayurveda Dietician on a full time, for advice and support with the clients’ daily living. On the therapy side, we have well experienced Panchakarma Therapists [messieurs], separately for male clients and female clients. Our policy of treatments is based on privacy and confidentiality.
We specialize on Rejuvenation Massage (Abhyanga) along with all other kind of Ayurveda Herbal and Panchakarma Treatments. All of our clients find time to visit us over and over again to relax their mind and body. We give prime importance to our clients’ maximum satisfaction both mentally and physically. We are highly complimented for our treatments in ‘Pain and Stress Management’.
We are available during the working hours:
Monday to Saturday from 10 a m to 7 p m
We proudly announce that we have introduced ‘online’ booking facilities for the clients with ease and comfort.
You are provided with wide varieties facilities to contact us.
Tel: 020 3759 9712 (Centre at 50 Barking Road, E6 3BP)
MOB: 074 6681 8634 (50 Barking Road, E6 3BP)
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